New Swimmers:
Come try us for TWO - PRACTICES FREE. Anyone can join, come anytime. For more information, please page Coach George at 840-3826.
He will return your call A.S.A.P.
The YMCA pool in Orlando. We attend this 800+ swimmers meet every year.
Swimming Tip Section:
The key to the start is to get off the blocks quickly, and with the proper technique, to maximize your speed and length of each start. Teaching yor muscles to react quickly and practicing the proper technique are the key elements to a fast start. - At the sound of the horn, use your arms to shift your weight forward. Explode outward and upward, lifting your head and arms in unison.
- Establish a streamline position with your arms quickly, and drop your chin betwenn your arms.
- Hold a tight streamline upon entry.
- Be sure to begin your first arm stroke below the surface of the water. You want to have your hands pass your hips on the first stroke as your head breaks the surface of the water.
- Never breathe on your first stroke, except on back and breast.
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Good example of great starts:
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